Well Elly’s presentation just ended and despite getting the award for longest overrun of the day, I thought it was fabulous, yea I’m biased but no one left for the whole thing (that I noticed anyway) and there was a large round of applause. So congratulations sweetie.
For those that weren’t here I will be uploading a movie to youtube once I work out how to do that, I’ll place a link here once I have done that. I wasn’t the only one recording it either, Donncha was using his macbook to record as well. So I’ll link to his as well once it’s available.
A large part of Elly’s presentation was to do with a particular blog and Audiocast this one. Elly will also be posting her presentation later so I will link that as well.
Once again, congratulations sweetie
*update* You tube didn’t like the length of the video so Elly uploaded to blipTV instead. the movie below starts the presentation and Dooncha’s recording (see link above) follows on from where I ran out of memory on my camera
(sounds like an excuse for bigger memory cards